Client: Scarborough Borough Council – Futurist Task Group
Client brief:
In spring 2010 Studio Gedye was commissioned to draw up a concept and vision for the whole Futurist site, to give Councillors and public a clear idea of how the site could be transformed.
It is intended to show how the opportunity of a redevelopment could
- make new links for pedestrians between the sea front and the retail areas
- create spaces that could add value financially
- improve the public realm.
The site included the theatre, King Street car park and associated land. We were charged with looking at how the area could be developed and crucially what the future could look like.
Our solution:
Our study looked at the street pattern and the levels across the site to develop a new piece of townscape that repaired street frontages, created a rich mix of uses and plot sizes and exploited the best of this sea front site. The masterplan was open to a variety of uses and looked at the options of demolition or retention and restoration of the Futurist theatre.
Central to our vision was a new raised public promenade at the roof level of the Futurist, connected to the adjacent gardens.
The proposals were presented at a public meeting in July 2010 along with a question and answer session with the Futurist Task Group which was open to the public.
What the client said :
“A figure ground plan slide was shown to demonstrate the relationships of buildings to the ground around them. The plan demonstrated the fine “grain” – there was very little space between the buildings. There were some large buildings and also lots of small building plots. The area was one of high density and the proposals and visions took note of this. Simon re-iterated that his visions were about the “art of the possible” and weren’t about narrowing down choices.”
Our report can be downloaded at :
For a brief history of the site and the latest go to: